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来源:网络      作者:迈思特

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Remarks on Declaration by G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Maritime Issues

Q: On April 11, G7 foreign ministers’ meeting held in Hiroshima, Japan adopted a declaration on maritime issues, touching upon the East and South China Seas. What is China’s comment on this?

A: China holds a consistent and clear position on the East and South China Seas. China’s construction on some islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands falls entirely within China’s sovereignty. There is no problem at all with the freedom of navigation and overflight in the East and South China Seas. China resolutely upholds its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and remains committed to resolving relevant disputes and safeguarding peace and stability in relevant waters through negotiation and consultation with countries directly concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with international laws. China will not accept nor participate in any arbitration case that is imposed upon it against law.

Given the sluggish global economic recovery at the moment, G7 should have focused on global economic governance and cooperation instead of hyping up maritime issues and fueling tensions in the region. China is strongly dissatisfied with relevant moves taken by G7. We urge G7 members to abide by their promise of not taking sides on territorial disputes, respect the efforts by regional countries, stop all irresponsible words and actions, and make constructive contribution to regional peace and stability.